Customer Testimonials

International Association of Healthcare Safety & Security, providing Safety Everywhere across a healthcare system

International Association of Healthcare Safety & Security, the abilities of US and UK healthcare security professionals

healthcare industrythreat to healthcareworkplace violence

The benefits of being a female in the security field

Hannah Booth from Heriot-Watt University discusses the benefits of being a female in the security field.

Having a voice in shaping the SafeZone product

Hannah Booth from Heriot-Watt University explains why its important to have a voice in shaping the SafeZone product.

Guiding students to safety who were stuck at the border during war

Gary Stephens from the University of Glasgow discusses how they used SafeZone to guide students to safety who were stuck at the border during war.

University of York, relaunching SafeZone

Geoff Brown from University of York discusses why they’re relaunching SafeZone after 8 years of use.

Being part of the SafeZone community

Hannah Booth from Heriot-Watt University enjoys being part of the SafeZone community.

The CriticalArc customer success team has been great with us

Hannah Burtchell from Salford University discusses the CriticalArc customer success team and says “they’ve been great with us”.

Using SafeZone to manage a critical incident on campus

Gary Stephens from the University of Glasgow discusses how they used SafeZone to manage a critical incident on campus.