
Overcoming the Safety Challenges of Poor Connectivity in High-Risk Environments

Hazardous work environments such as remote mining sites, expansive industrial complexes, and offshore platforms are often plagued by poor connectivity. This deficiency can result in staff becoming isolated, particularly in emergency situations, leading to increased risks to physical safety and substantial stress on employees.
Video: From the classroom to the playground: ensuring safety across Trinity Basin Prep’s 12 PK-12 campuses
Video: The Culture of Safety & Wellbeing at UNCA
Video: Feeling Safe Vs Being Safe; UNCA’s Community of Support
Video: How UNCA Uses SafeZone to Keep their Faculty, Staff and Students Safe

Bridging the cybersecurity and physical safety gap in healthcare

As threats to both cyber and physical security continue to evolve, there is a critical need for robust solutions that help healthcare organisations stay ahead of the curve. By adopting a unified safety, security, wellbeing and emergency management solution like SafeZone, NHS trusts can enhance their response capabilities, protect sensitive information, and ensure the safety of their environments.

Revolutionizing Public Safety: Indoor Positioning for Effective Vertical Policing

Discover how SafeZone's innovative security platform and indoor positioning technology revolutionize public safety and campus safety. Enhancing incident management and emergency management, SafeZone provides real-time positioning to ensure swift, effective responses in complex environments like universities.

WesternU announces partnership with global safety innovation company CriticalArc

Western University of Health Sciences (WesternU) announced a partnership with the leading global safety, security, and emergency management solution, CriticalArc (makers of SafeZone), to ensure its campus safety systems are prepared for expected growth. This partnership began as a consulting relationship where CriticalArc advised WesternU in their evaluation of software platforms, physical security infrastructure, training curriculums, master planning, and organizational structures with the goal of future- proofing safety and security systems.

Protecting Lone and High-Risk Workers: Ensuring Safety in a Post-Covid World

The rise of lone and high-risk workers has become a significant concern in the post-Covid landscape. Organizations, particularly in the higher education sector, are grappling with the challenge of ensuring the safety and security of employees who often find themselves working alone or in potentially hazardous conditions. This blog explores some of the various scenarios faced by lone and high-risk workers and presents SafeZone as a comprehensive solution to these emerging challenges.
Video: Creating a Safe Space ‘to Learn, Teach, and Work’ with UHD

SafeZone as a Clery Compliance Tool

Discover how SafeZone by CriticalArc can help US colleges and universities comply with the Clery Act. Explore features like emergency preparedness, automated workflows, real-time visualization, and more to enhance campus safety and streamline compliance efforts. Learn more today!