Customer Testimonials

Currently viewing Industry: Healthcare

International Association of Healthcare Safety & Security, goals to find new and innovative technologies providing safety

International Association of Healthcare Safety & Security, providing Safety Everywhere across a healthcare system

International Association of Healthcare Safety & Security, the abilities of US and UK healthcare security professionals

healthcare industrythreat to healthcareworkplace violence

Dorset University Healthcare Trust Foundation, why they chose SafeZone

Roger Ringham from Dorset University Healthcare Trust Foundation discusses why they chose SafeZone.

The implementation of SafeZone was done in a couple of days

Laura Smith from Dorset University NHS Foundation Trust discusses how the implementation of SafeZone was done in a couple of days.

Providing safety for community health workers

Wayne Sherratt from Kent Community Health NHS discusses how they provide safety for community health workers with SafeZone.

SafeZone customer success team support

Roger Ringham from Dorset University Healthcare Trust Foundation discusses the support from the SafeZone customer success team.

International Association of Healthcare Safety & Security, workplace violence is one of the biggest threats to healthcare

Safety Everywhere with SafeZone is key

Wayne Sherratt from Kent Community Health NHS, says that Safety Everywhere with SafeZone is key.

Dorset University Healthcare Trust Foundation, violence and aggression against staff in healthcare

Roger Ringham from Dorset University Healthcare Trust Foundation discusses the rising violence and aggression against staff in healthcare and what they’re doing to keep their people safe.

Replacing siloed systems with SafeZone’s unified solution

Wayne Sherratt from Kent Community Health NHS discusses why they chose SafeZone and how they replaced siloed systems with SafeZone’s unified solution.

Best customer service team and 5 day implementation of SafeZone!

Wayne Sheratt from Kent Community Health NHS says SafeZone has the “best customer service team” and discusses the 5-day implementation of SafeZone