Customer Testimonials

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Keele’s CIO on CriticalArc Addressing His Needs

CIOExecutiveKeele UniversityPartnership

Daniel Perry, CIO of  Keele University shares his confidence in CriticalArc and its ability to address his needs.

Declan Raferty (DCU COO) Recommends CriticalArc

campus safetycampus securitycommand and controlcritical incident responsecritical incidentscriticalarcDublin City UniversityEmergency Managementhealth and safetysafezoneuniversity safety

Declan Raferty, COO of Dublin City University, discusses the responsiveness of CriticalArc and recommends its service to his peers.

International Students and SafeZone

Les Allan, AUCSO Chairman & Director of Safe Guarding Services at Heriot-Watt University discusses how SafeZone helps international students feel safer

Using SafeZone to Address Students with Disabilities

Les Allan, AUCSO Chairman & Director of Safe Guarding Services at Heriot-Watt University discusses how he uses SafeZone to address students with disabilities.

How SafeZone Helps Students Feel Safer

Higher Educationwomen in security

Claire Humble, Head of Security for Teesside University discusses the impacts of SafeZone on student’s perceptions of safety on campus and the overall Student Experience.

Deriving Value from SafeZone

lone workersnight time economyStaff SafetyStudent SafetyWWII bomb

Peter Scargill, Director of Commercial, Residential & Campus Services at the University of Exeter explains how they used SafeZone’s mass comms to help evacuate students as they disarmed a WWII bomb, and protect lone workers and keep students safe.

Why Adopt SafeZone

command and controlenhancing safety around the worldHigher EducationROIStaff SafetyStudent Safety

Jon Anderson, Head of Security at Northumbria University shares how SafeZone has changed their security environment – “you’ll get the benefits instantaneously”. SafeZone is enhancing safety around the world.

The Value of SafeZone Workflows


Laurence Perkins, Head of Security, University of Leicester explains the ability to tailor the system to each university’s needs with a series of rules and notifications to meet specific needs is invaluable.

Why Consider SafeZone

campus safetycampus securityglobal solutionHigher EducationInvestmentROIuniversities

Les Allan, Chairman of AUSCO & DIrector of Safeguarding Services at Heriot-Watt University says getting SafeZone is “a decision you’ll never regret”. SafeZone is used globally, is continually advancing, and produces a high value/ROI for its customers.

Sending Employees Home Safe

employee safetyhealth and safetysend employees home safe

Paul Warburton, General Manager of HOST shares that health and safety is the top concern of every organization, SafeZone bridges the gap so everyone feels safe and enables HOST to send their employees home safely every day.

Indoor Positioning Advantages

emergency responsefirst aidHigher Educationindoor positioningmulti-story building

Les Allan, Chairman at AUCSO & Director of Safeguarding Services at Heriot-Watt University says SafeZone provides first responders with intel on the building, floor, and room the person calling for help is in so they can respond faster.

SafeZone Pays for Itself

Alison Levey, Director of Student and Academic Services at Aston University describes the implementation of SafeZone and her view of the support and value it provided to Aston’s students (paid for itself).