Customer Testimonials

Currently viewing Region: EMEA

Best customer service team and 5 day implementation of SafeZone!

Wayne Sheratt from Kent Community Health NHS says SafeZone has the “best customer service team” and discusses the 5-day implementation of SafeZone

SafeZone has given staff confidence

Laura Smith from Dorset University NHS Foundation Trust discusses what SafeZone has done for her organization.

Getting executive buy in on covering the entire workforce with SafeZone

Wayne Sheratt from Kent Community Health NHS discusses how his executive team approved SafeZone to protect the entire workforce.

Rollout of IDP into Tier 4 Visa, University of Exeter

The Benefits of SafeZone Alliance for University of Exeter and FX Plus

Covering many complex and diverse areas with SafeZone

Laura Smith from Dorset University NHS Foundation Trust discusses the complex and diverse areas covered by SafeZone

Coverage for off-site medical facility partnership with SafeZone

Allen Porter from University of Arkansas PD discusses how they utilize SafeZone in their partnership with an off-site medical facility.

Benefits of SafeZone Alliance

Les Allan, AUCSO Chairman & Director of Safe Guarding Services at Heriot-Watt University discusses the benefits of the SafeZone Alliance.

Alison Levey discusses student recruitment

Alison Levey, Director of Student & Academic Services from Aston University talks about how using SafeZone helps make students feel safe and positively influences student recruitment.

SafeZone in Healthcare and Higher Education

Les Allan, AUCSO Chairman & Director of Safe Guarding Services at Heriot-Watt University discusses the synergies for healthcare and higher education using SafeZone

Paul Cell, Executive Director of IACLEA

Paul Cell, Executive Director of IACLEA discusses how CriticalArc’s SafeZone provides safer communities worldwide.

SafeZone Helps Parents Know Students Are Safe

InnovationsafezoneUniversity of Manchester

Janine Rigby, Innovation Manager at University of Manchester, explains how SafeZone breaks down cultural and language barriers and helps parents know students are safe.