Customer Testimonials

Currently viewing Industry: Healthcare

SafeZone has given staff confidence

Laura Smith from Dorset University NHS Foundation Trust discusses what SafeZone has done for her organization.

Getting executive buy in on covering the entire workforce with SafeZone

Wayne Sheratt from Kent Community Health NHS discusses how his executive team approved SafeZone to protect the entire workforce.

International Association of Healthcare Safety & Security, workplace violence committees have the ability to make great changes

workplace violence

Covering many complex and diverse areas with SafeZone

Laura Smith from Dorset University NHS Foundation Trust discusses the complex and diverse areas covered by SafeZone

Coverage for off-site medical facility partnership with SafeZone

Allen Porter from University of Arkansas PD discusses how they utilize SafeZone in their partnership with an off-site medical facility.

Healthcare Perspective on SafeZone

Danielle Austin, Incident Response Manager, St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney shares how SafeZone helps protect community home health workers and plans for expansion.

SafeZone in Healthcare and Higher Education

Les Allan, AUCSO Chairman & Director of Safe Guarding Services at Heriot-Watt University discusses the synergies for healthcare and higher education using SafeZone

Customer Success with R&D

Danielle Austin, Incident Response Manager at St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney discusses their direct interaction with CriticalArc’s development team on the product road map

Real-time Command & Control

command & controlHealthcareHigher EducationhospitalNHSreal-time command and control

Alan Cain, NAHS Board Member shares; when you have access to real-time command and control with SafeZone, your actions are quicker and better coordinated, leading to improved outcomes.

Emergency Management in Healthcare and HED

emergency planningHealthcarehealthcare safetyHigher Educationhospitallone workerNHS
Alan Cain, NAHS Board Member, explains the similarities in emergency incidents for healthcare and higher ed. Being prepared for the worst in emergency planning is essential.

Shared Ground Between Hospitals and Universities

HealthcarehospitalsLone Worker SafetyNHSSafeZone AllianceStaff Safetyuniversities

Alan Cain, NAHS Board Member, shares the advantages of collaboration between hospitals and higher education, shared ground to be built on.