Customer Testimonials

Currently viewing Role: Student Services

Why We Enjoy Working with CriticalArc

customer relationscustomer service

Peter Scargill, Director of Commercial, Residential & Campus Services at the University of Exeter explains that customer support is always there; CriticalArc listens to our feedback to drive the product forward.

SafeZone as a Strategic Asset

Higher Education

Les Allan, Director of SafeGuarding Services at Heriot-Watt University, and incoming President of AUCSO, views SafeZone as a strategic asset for a university and recommends it for consideration.

Securing approval for SafeZone

Higher Education

Alison Levey, Director of Student & Academic Services at Aston University discusses how she teamed up with the Security Team to secure funding from Aston’s executive team.

Why SafeZone

flexible and expandable solutionlone worker
Peter Scargill, Director of Commercial, Residential & Campus Services at the University of Exeter was in search of a lone working solution and found SafeZone to be a flexible service that’s constantly being enhanced.

Build community spirit of safety and security

women in security

Claire Humble, Head of Campus Security at Teesside University shares her views of how SafeZone helped her team create a culture of community, safety and wellbeing.

Giving Students Control over Student Safety

InnovationsafezoneStudent SafetyUniversity of Manchester

Janine Rigby, Innovation Manager at Manchester University, cite’s SafeZone’s mobile-friendly technology as way to empower students to manage their safety.

Using SafeZone for International Applications

Duty of Careinternational travelProtect StaffProtect studentssafezoneUCLANUniversity of Central Lancanshire

Frank Wadamore, Networks and Security Manager at University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) on how they’re using SafeZone to meet their duty of care and protect staff and students on international travel.

DCU needed a tool to help them better communicate with students

Declan Raftery, COO at Dublin City University describes how SafeZone helps them understand who’s calling for help and where they are so they can respond faster.

SafeZone Helps Ensure Safety of Students Studying Abroad

campus safetycampus securitycommand and controlcritical incident responsecritical incidentscriticalarcEmergency Managementhealth and safetysafezoneUniversity of Glasgowuniversity safety

Gary Stephen, Head of Security & Operational Support at Glasgow University highlights how SafeZone can better protect students and staff abroad.

Les Allan on Tier 4 Visa Support with SafeZone

campus safetycampus securitycommand and controlcritical incident responsecritical incidentscriticalarcEmergency Managementhealth and safetyHeriot Watt UniversitysafezoneTier 4 Visauniversity safety

Les Allan, Director of SafeGuarding Services and incoming President of AUCSO, shares how SafeZone is used by Heriot-Watt University to help manage students with Tier 4 Visas.

Using SafeZone to address high risk groups & enhance overall student experience

Declan Raftery, COO of Dublin City University, describes how DCU uses SafeZone to address high risk groups and enhance the overall student experience.