Customer Testimonials

Currently viewing Role: Safety & Security

Using SafeZone to address high risk groups & enhance overall student experience

Declan Raftery, COO of Dublin City University, describes how DCU uses SafeZone to address high risk groups and enhance the overall student experience.

Safety key factor in recruitment

Laurence Perkins, Head of Security at Leicester University discusses how Security & Safety ranked second for students and their parents when selecting universities, and the importance of Security playing a more active role in recruitment events.

Mark Arnold (University of Kent) on Protecting Students Abroad

Higher Education

Mark Arnold, Head of Security at University of Kent discusses how SafeZone is an effective tool to help his team communicate to students abroad caught in an international terror attack or natural disaster and get them to safety.

Situational Awareness

campus securitycommand and controlcritical incidentscriticalarcsafezoneuniversity safetyYork University

Denis Fowler, Director of Health, Safety and Security at University of York reviews SafeZone, including the real-time situational awareness it provides his team.