Customer Testimonials

Currently viewing Role: Executive

Getting executive buy in on covering the entire workforce with SafeZone

Wayne Sheratt from Kent Community Health NHS discusses how his executive team approved SafeZone to protect the entire workforce.

“Our response has changed from minutes to seconds with SafeZone”

Northeastern University’s Deputy Chief says, “Our response has changed from minutes to seconds with SafeZone”.

International Association of Healthcare Safety & Security, workplace violence committees have the ability to make great changes

workplace violence

Rollout of IDP into Tier 4 Visa, University of Exeter

The Benefits of SafeZone Alliance for University of Exeter and FX Plus

Benefits of SafeZone Alliance

Les Allan, AUCSO Chairman & Director of Safe Guarding Services at Heriot-Watt University discusses the benefits of the SafeZone Alliance.

Still Finding Value in SafeZone After being a Customer for 8 Years!

Dominic Marafiroti, Campus Facilities Manager at University of South Australia discusses how they continue to find value in SafeZone due to ongoing product enhancements.

Alison Levey discusses student recruitment

Alison Levey, Director of Student & Academic Services from Aston University talks about how using SafeZone helps make students feel safe and positively influences student recruitment.

Paul Cell, Executive Director of IACLEA

Paul Cell, Executive Director of IACLEA discusses how CriticalArc’s SafeZone provides safer communities worldwide.

Keele’s CIO on CriticalArc Addressing His Needs

CIOExecutiveKeele UniversityPartnership

Daniel Perry, CIO of  Keele University shares his confidence in CriticalArc and its ability to address his needs.

Declan Raferty (DCU COO) Recommends CriticalArc

campus safetycampus securitycommand and controlcritical incident responsecritical incidentscriticalarcDublin City UniversityEmergency Managementhealth and safetysafezoneuniversity safety

Declan Raferty, COO of Dublin City University, discusses the responsiveness of CriticalArc and recommends its service to his peers.

SafeZone is a game-changer for Chubb worldwide

Joshua Simmons, Managing Director, Monitoring Solutions Chubb Fire & Security discusses how SafeZone is a game-changer for Chubb worldwide