Teesside University is an increasingly popular destination in the north-east of England for both local and overseas students, and it plays an important role in the Middlesbrough economy. As one of the town’s largest employers, the university has contributed to the economic and social regeneration of the wider region. Its security team, led by Claire Humble, is playing a key role in that success by ensuring a high level of safety, security, and wellbeing for students and staff.
SafeZone technology underpins the security team’s work by providing granular, geographically precise situational awareness of the first responders, and delivering high level command and control which enables officers to be dispatched to incidents much more quickly.
The assurance of personal safety provided by SafeZone is helping to attract students, particularly from overseas. Student satisfaction as measured in comparative surveys is higher too, which can help with student retention, thanks in part to better engagement between students and the security team which is helping to create a more welcoming learning environment. SafeZone has been nothing less than a transformative tool, says Claire Humble.