Thousands of Australian Public Sector Workers Protected as Government Agencies Adopt CriticalArc’s SafeZone Technology Latest wave of adoptions driven by…
Universities face several challenges protecting students & staff when with hybrid learning; learn how to better protect and respond to your university community
Additional Links: Media Kit Contains images of Sydney Trains personnel using SafeZone, headshots of company executives quoted, SafeZone product images…
This webinar explores best practices being adopted to reopen campus safely in the fall, how to align campus safety and security initiatives with university leadership priorities, and the quest for solutions that address stakeholder’s needs and can be implemented in days vs. months.
Across the globe, staff and students alike are highlighting safety as the number one priority/consideration for their return to campus. As a result, university executives are actively searching for solutions to implement to reassure students and staff their university is taking all the necessary steps to meet their duty of care.