Customer Testimonials

International Association of Healthcare Safety & Security, workplace violence committees have the ability to make great changes

workplace violence

Rollout of IDP into Tier 4 Visa, University of Exeter

The Benefits of SafeZone Alliance for University of Exeter and FX Plus

Covering many complex and diverse areas with SafeZone

Laura Smith from Dorset University NHS Foundation Trust discusses the complex and diverse areas covered by SafeZone

Coverage for off-site medical facility partnership with SafeZone

Allen Porter from University of Arkansas PD discusses how they utilize SafeZone in their partnership with an off-site medical facility.

Healthcare Perspective on SafeZone

Danielle Austin, Incident Response Manager, St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney shares how SafeZone helps protect community home health workers and plans for expansion.

Benefits of SafeZone Alliance

Les Allan, AUCSO Chairman & Director of Safe Guarding Services at Heriot-Watt University discusses the benefits of the SafeZone Alliance.

Still Finding Value in SafeZone After being a Customer for 8 Years!

Dominic Marafiroti, Campus Facilities Manager at University of South Australia discusses how they continue to find value in SafeZone due to ongoing product enhancements.

The Value of SafeZone

Garry Tyler, Manager of Security at University of Queensland discusses the value he finds from SafeZone’s real-time coordination and control.